Jason Murphy

Dean of Students

Mr. Jason Murphy has been teaching math since 2006. He grew up in the agricultural part of Sonoma County in Northern California. He served in the Air Force in Florida and in Germany and then served as consultant to the Department of Defense before attending Sonoma State University to obtain his degree in mathematics and teaching credential. He was a founding member of Credo charter high school before coming to Colorado to support family. He came to James Irwin in 2016 to teach Geometry. He also taught at Liberty Tree Academy before returning to James Irwin last year.


He has a bachelor's in mathematics from Sonoma State University and a master’s in educational administration from Grand Canyon University. In his spare time, he plays piano and guitar, writes, kayaks, puzzles over math riddles and gardens. His favorite thing about math is the rich history of puzzles, riddles and games that mathematicians have created, which often do not get mentioned in the curriculum. He is currently writing a book on math puzzles.