PTEC Graduation Requirements
How do I graduate from PTEC?
What Diploma Types are available at PTEC:
Diploma with Certifications (After 12th Grade - Workforce Ready or Military), Innovative Learning Program (ILOP) SENIOR YEAR ONLY.
Workforce or Military ready indicates that the student has chosen one of the career paths offered at PTEC (Construction, Machining, Welding, Fundamental of Engineering) , finished the required certifications, and completed the required standard graduation requirements.
ILOP - Students must meet all graduation requirements to be part of this program. They will attend their remaining classes needed for graduation and then can work in a trade with one of our workforce partners. Sign up for the ILOP program must be done through Mrs. Longoria.
Diploma with an associate of applied science degree (AAS). Students remain at PTEC for up to two additional years, AKA years 13 and 14, to receive an AAS tuition-free, through the P-TECH program. All general fees, course fees, and textbooks are the students responsibility. The COF (Colorado Opportunity Fund) will automatically be applied to the P-TECH AAS degree each semester. A contract will be signed by the student attending and the parent or guardian to make sure all expectations are understood.
P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools) allow students that are least likely to attend college an opportunity to receive an associate degree. It is a federally funded program.
Students may begin working on an approved associate degree as early as their sophomore year at PTEC. Only CE courses that are aligned with the P-TECH program will be available to PTEC students in grades 10-12.
The following is the list of AAS trades pathways at Pikes Peak State College (PPSC) per our PTECH partnership agreement:
AAS Machining Technology (Advanced Manufacturing Emphasis)
AAS Machining Technology (Machining Emphasis)
AAS Architectural Engineer/Construction Management
AAS Building and Construction Technology (Carpentry Emphasis)
AAS Building and Construction Technology (Electrical Emphasis)
AAS Building and Construction Technology (Masonry Emphasis)
AAS Building and Construction Technology (Plumbing Emphasis)
AAS Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology
AAS Computer-Aided Drafting (Robotics and Automation Emphasis)
AAS Computer Aided Drafting (HVAC Emphasis)
AAS Computer-Aided Drafting (Mechanical Emphasis)
AAS Welding
AAS Diesel Technology
AAS Automotive Technology
AAS Collison Technology
AAS Fire Science Technology
AAS Fire Science Wildland
AAS Robotics
PTEC does not have a partnership with PPS for a student to get an AS (Associates of Science) or an AA (Associate of Arts) degree. The P-TECH program only has a partnership for students to receive an AAS (Associates of Applied Science) in the above Trades that is our P-TECH partnership with PPS.
Diploma with college endorsement (Ready for admission to a four-year college after 12th grade). Students planning to attend a traditional four-year university after high school should consult the school career advisor for the best course of action depending on their major. All students planning to attend a four-year university must follow the PTEC graduation requirements. PTEC does not offer any college classes that are applicable to this diploma type.