Please Vote for Us!

Please Vote for Us!

Best of the Springs!

Our amazing staff, students and families have done it again!

Voting begins on January 7th and ends on February 13th. PLEASE VOTE TODAY!

James Irwin Charter— Best Elementary

James Irwin Charter Middle School — Best Middle School

James Irwin Charter High School — Best High School

PTEC — Best Technical School

Ami Brinlee - Best Elementary School Educator

Mike McChesnie - Middle School Educator

Jessica Rosenberg - Middle School Educator

Kelsey Wigand - Middle School Educator

Ryan Kollasch - High School Educator

Felice Ponferrada - High School Educator

Janessa Beatty - High School Educator

David Hillman - High School Educator

Steve Finn - High School Coach

Tammy Stites - High School Coach

Leonard Winters - High School Coach

Mike Prusinowski - High School Coach

Gavin Stegmiller - High School Coach